This name, it’s been making a splash. Que intro for Tristan Martin-Preney.
Hi Tristan Martin-Preney, please introduce yourself.
I live in Nelson, British Columbia, and don’t plan to move away anytime soon. I was born here and feel pretty dang lucky about it. My parents got me skiing when I was 3, thanks, mom and dad! As a kid, I always thought I’d take the academic path and go to university or something, but I really fell in love with skiing during high school and my priorities followed suit. I played a lot of soccer at a semi-high level (rep league and high-school team) however skiing really contrasted the rule-based team sport mentality which had a much stronger allure. Imagine only having 3 recipes to cook all your life and then all of a sudden being told that you can make whatever you want. That’s kind of what skiing became for me – a world of possibilities.

I’m a chimney sweep by trade and although it’s not the most glamorous job, it allows me to get 100+ days a year on snow without being broke. I’d love to make a career out of skiing someday and am hoping my riding-based film camps take off; there’s nothing better than sharing the stoke with a bunch of young rippers. My daughter Penelope is a year old now and I can’t wait to get her on skis (or a snowboard, mom’s a boarder). Passion, freedom, thrill-seeking – all those things drew me into the world of skiing but ultimately it’s just the most fun thing you can do, in my opinion.

TMP: Faction, Panda Poles, Sacred Ride, and CAST.
How might have we heard your familiar name before?
TMP: Whitewater Organic Slopestyle 1st place 2 times. I made an appearance right at the end of “Imagination” I’m the guy jumping over the fence. I helped with a bunch of digging and logistics on the shoot, Nick McNutt and I really connected, must be the Canadian brotherhood. I film a bit and helped out with “Return to Send’er”, maybe 10 shots of mine made it into the film. I had such a good time hanging with Sam, Karl, and Scott. I like to think I’m partially responsible for Karl’s banger sunset switch 5 at the end of his segment because he wasn’t stoked on going up alone for one last mega-send so I put my camera down and hiked up with him to provide stoke and support. Karl’s my favorite skier, it was an honour.
Keep tabs on Tristain Martin-Preney on Instagram or in an upcoming print feature – but you’ll have to subscribe to see that 😉