Kimbo Sessions Video Recap

The dust has finally settled on the firestorm that was Kimbo Sessions 2024, and here is the Kimbo Sessions video recap we’ve all been waiting for. The vibe for this edit is on point. Show your support by liking and commenting on the YouTube video. Please enjoy!

Kimbo Sessions Video Recap Production Team

Filmed by Andreas Olofsson and Björn Eklund, edited by Björn Eklund, and produced by Kim “Kimbo” Boberg.

A. Hall tip dragging the knuckle. Kimbo sessions 2024 kläppen, Sweden

Behind the Beats

The music complements the skiing, and in fact, some of the music was produced by Hugo Burvall and features Brady Perron on the mic. Hugo, also known as “Phantom,” brought all of his recording equipment to Kimbo Sessions and set up a recording studio in one of the cabins.