After a two summer, covid related hiatus, Momentum camps have reopened in Summer 2022. Momentum is located on the Horseman glacier atop Blackcomb mountain. I am very pleased to report that this year the glacier is in great shape. Last winter was solid snow year and this summer has been cold and wet, resulting in a ton of snow up on the glacier. All this snow has given the build team a lot of material to work with. The Park is looking great, the Mogul lines are numerous and the campers enrolled in the freeride camp are super stoked because they have plenty of options for skiable lines.

Momentum camp is every skier’s dream. Amazing terrain, a huge park with tons of jumps, rails, airbags, water ramps and mogul lines. A long list of pro skier coaches including: Alex Hall, Cassie Sharpe, Phil Casabon, Nick Geopper, Maggie Voisin, ABM, Max Moffatt, Evan McEachran and even the Godfather himself – Mike Douglas. This list of all-star coaches is hardly even scratching the surface. For the full list of coaches check out the Momentum Camps website. To top it all off it is located in the Whistler BC which is like Disneyworld for action sports.

If you want to go to Momentum camp it is not to late! There is still one more session still available. Session 5, July 10-18. So book today, you will not regret it!

By Chris German