SCOUT: searching for talent across the country and featuring stand out skiers one at a time. On this edition of Scout, we catch up with Christian Sherring. Not sure we’ve met an 18-year-old as “together” as Christian before. Level headed after coming back from a big injury and hungry for more Christian offers great insight into his life in this short interview and also shares some pretty wise words.
Name: Christian Sherring
Age: 18
Years Skiing: 14
Hometown: Calgary Alberta
Team: Rocky Mountain Freeriders
Sponsors: Blizzard Skis and Tecnica Boots.
Best Trick: 360’s and Big Tweaks
Claim to Fame: Returning to skiing six weeks after a broken back and finishing top ten at Lake Louise Big Mountain Challenge.

SBC: How would you describe your signature style?
CS: Hard Charging but always trying to make it look smooth.
SBC: Goals for the upcoming season?
CS: Wasn’t able to compete this season due to injury, hope to get back to competing next year in junior or adult comps, and hope to get on a podium! Also, I’m moving out to Kelowna BC for University, so I hope to meet a ton of new rad skiers and get into the community out there.
SBC: What do you think is trending in ski culture that shouldn’t be?
CS: Really expensive lift tickets, what’s with that?
SBC: What are you crushing on your playlist?
CS: I don’t actually listen to music when I ski but on I do on the chair. It has to be either old school hip hop or classic jazz and soul music.

SBC: How did you bounce back from your big injury?
CS: In December of 2018 I broke my back from a crash while skiing, I had a pretty serious compression of one of my mid back vertebrae. Initially I was told that it would likely be a 3-month recovery, and at first, I was devastated that I would be missing the majority of the season. I had big plans, was hoping to compete lots, was planning to go to Blanket Glacier Chalet for a ski trip, and was hoping to do more backcountry skiing. The initial shock and first week of learning that I had broken my back was truly crushing. But as I learned from doctors that if I followed healing treatments and just rested, that I might still be able to ski this season, my motivation and overall attitude completely changed. Having in the back of my mind that I would still be able to possibly ski this season is what kept me positive, committed, and ultimately is what assisted me in recovering as well as I did. After 6 weeks I received another x-ray and the doctors cleared me to ski again. I was able to ski for most of February and all through the season till May. I’m super grateful that I was able to recover as quickly as I did, and that I have no residual problems.
“I’d say that my one tips for overcoming injuries, is just taking it one day at a time, and find the small positives and wins even if they seem insignificant, and remembering that one injury is simply a small blip in a lifetime of skiing.”
– Christian Sherring
SBC: Any thoughts for aspiring pro skiers out there?
CS: Honestly I still don’t consider myself a real professional skier, I still have so many goals and aspirations that I want to accomplish. But if I could say one thing to anyone aspiring to get into the ski industry or wanting to progress their skiing, is to simply put yourself out there. Don’t be afraid to message companies on Instagram, don’t be afraid to make friends with every skier you meet and don’t be afraid to venture outside of your comfort zone.
SBC: How are you cross training these days?
CS: The only “training” I really do is riding my bike, it’s a passion of mine in the summer and helps to strengthen those pesky knees. However, I do hope to progress my training and take it to the next level, as I do believe it is key to staying uninjured and to becoming a stronger skier.
SBC: Any shout outs?
CS: Shout out to my coaches from the Rocky Mountain Freeriders, Drew, Brenna, Brody, and Kate. Also, shout out to my parents for getting me into the sport when I was three years old, and helping me to progress ever since.

So you wanna be scouted eh?! Tag us on Instagram @sbcskier and we’ll pay attention to you See other SCOUTED interviews here.