Video Courtesy of Soulines Backcountry (Aaron Whitley/Mark Stan Wlodarczyk)

How did you hear Soulines?
CB: Word of mouth actually. My girlfriend was invited and she told me about it and that was that, I knew I wanted to be a part of it.
How would you describe the atmosphere?
CB: This was the coolest event I have ever been a part of. This was not like any other freeski event – we were living it. Winter camping at -20. Putting on frozen ski boots then skinning to the top of the venue. It was also visual inspection only which really makes the true big mountain skier stand out. It was a huge group of like-minded, hardcore skiers. Everyone as stoked for the other rider, it was just a big backcountry jam.
What was comp the format?
CB: Classic Freeski format like the Freeride World Tour, all the athletes were judged on line choice, technique, control, fluidity, and style. What separated this event, was the way they deciphered each athlete start time. Each competitor had to do a beacon search, the fastest person to strike the buried pack got to drop first.
Did your line go as you had visualized it?
CB: Almost perfectly. Everyone was able to do two runs (or three if you had the energy). I had the fastest beacon search and my first run I skied what I thought was the winning line, and nailed it. This was a huge feat as I had never skied the face before. For my second run the pressure was off, so I just went and had a no pressure lap but still hit some decent airs, that was a good feeling.
Did you get a practice run or just go for it?
CB: This event was visual inspection only, there was no on course inspection.

Anything you would have done differently looking back?
CB: Next year I want one of those mini wood stoves and the proper tent to go with it!
Best part?
CB: The gathering of the like-minded group of skier and boarders. It felt like a big party.
What’s next for you this winter?
CB: This was for sure what I was looking forward to the most this season. I’ve been traveling a lot in the past month so I am excited to ski my home resort in Fernie. Spring skiing here is awesome it is officially big line season, I don’t have a particular line on my radar, I’m just going to go with the flow.