The all mighty great eight questions, or as we call them – the GR8. Diving into each featured skiers favorites, best of’s and nitty gritty – or at least more than their Instagram profile will tell you.
A man that probably doesn’t need much of an introduction but since it’s routine and he’s so humble (see his bio below), we’ll brag for him – no problem! Julian Carr is a professional skier, a record holder and a bussiness owner. He’s a multisport master and a world class hucker. Julian holds two world records for jumping off of cliffs with his skis on. As an active member of Protect Our Winters you can be sure that Julian’s business Discrete Clothing is environmentally friendly and for snow lovers.
“Just a guy that loves skiing, a lifetime of passion of pursuing powder, smiles, & cliffs. End of the day, I really just love being in the mountains, I feel like the more time you spend in the mountains your fluency graduates to a higher level of awareness, I am fortunate to have gained a high alpine literacy, that the mountains have let me in on their secret from time to time.”

SBC: One word to describe what skiing feels like:
JC: Animalistic aka instinctual.
SBC: Albums you can’t live without:
JC: Metallica – Master of Puppets, Steely Dan – Aja & Nas – Illmatic.
SBC: Favorite piece of gear and why:
JC: My body, it’s an essential piece of gear, shout out to my parents for the killer human form they provided me with, at zero cost haha.
SBC: Favorite food and what’s your secret ingredient:
JC: Coffee. Every morning.
SBC: Most memorable moment from last season:
JC: Timing a massive storm with Owen Leeper in the Tetons.
SBC: Favorite place to ski in Canada and who’s with you:
JC: Revelstoke, everyone is with me.
SBC: Best trend in skiing:
JC: Big airs executed safely, mind leading the body, not vice versa.
SBC: Favorite book, or podcast right now:
JC: Sirens of Titan, Vonnegut
SBC: Spirit Animal?
JC: Raven
Keep tabs on Julian Carr by following him on Instagram, Facebook or check out his Website.