Out west it does not feel like spring. This endless winter is really dragging on and on. Pow days are more common than slushy days this spring. Overcast with unseasonably, record setting cold temps. Lots of precipitation means more and more snow mid mountain and above, resulting in a deeper than normal snow pack for this time of year. The rivers in the valley are not as swollen as they typically are for late May leaving some meteorologists and farmers worried about potential flooding when (if) it does warm up.
Although most people are not happy with this cold, wet, sunless spring, some skiers are taking full advantage of the “Endless Winter” of 2022. Lets take a look at some Instagram accounts and see what May pow looks like this spring.

Nick McNutt said it best, “… It’s been a strange season. So strange that in a way, it has felt like two seasons with one of the worst mid-winters in recent memory rolling straight into an incredible “Spring.”
All I can say is enjoy the cool weather while you can because if this summer is anything like last summer, it’s going to be a scorcher.
Chris Dane German @c.dangerman_ @dangermanvisuals