Tracking innovations in the ski industry one trusted gear review at a time. From skis to underwear, if it makes your skiing better or worse, we want to know. Exposing the over-hyped gear and directing the love to where it belongs is the intention of these real people gear reviews. Got a product you’re curious about? Drop us a note and we’ll get one of our trusted gear reviewers on the cause!
NAME: Meredith Eades
SKI: Head Kore 105 (180cm)
CONDITIONS TESTED: All the conditions!

“These are a super playful ski that does it all. Super light, fun and playful ski that still charges hard when you need it too.”
The single best thing about the skis? Being lightweight
Skied best on? Powder, mashed potatoes, chunder, crud, crust, dust on crust, corn, chop, schmoo hardpack, you name whatever else.
Downfalls? These were mounted at a regular, but I personally prefer my skis mounted at +1 or 2. It took a bit for me to get used to this difference.
Don’t when… Skiing on dirt or other snowless surfaces. Seriously though, if you’re only skiing hard pack groomers I might suggest the Kore 93 instead.
Favorite feature? Aside from being light and a versatile ski, the graphic is cool and begets a lot of interest.
Would you recommend? If you like having a ski that you can confidently do it all with, definitely!

Those unfamiliar with the Whistler local scene might question whether a local scene actually exists. The truth, I think was most eloquently put by a local friend of mine. “There is a local scene in Whistler, it’s just dressed in black and moves fast!” So what exactly does a Whistler local use to move around these mountains so fast that they are able to go undetected? Well, I had the opportunity to test the Head Kore 105 for the better, and worse part of the season and I think these are a good start!
To begin, the subtle black top sheet leaves lots to be said, literally. Yes, the top sheet or lack thereof is strategic to keep the weight of the skis down, but strategic design aside, people in the lift lines continued to ask what skis I was on, simply because they look badass.
So we know they are light, their subtle black design makes them look stealthy and cool but more importantly do they move you around as fast as a Whistler local?
They most certainly do. After following around the next generation of big mountain Whistler local senders for several weeks, I knew these skis were the real deal. There is no condition, no cliff, no jump, no weather, no nothing that will stop these 11-18-year-olds from going out and capitalizing their time on the mountain. So, as their coach that is exactly what we did. We rode pow, mashed potatoes, chunder, crud, crust, dust on crust, corn, chop, schmoo hardpack, you name whatever else and the Kore 105’s playfully flicked and popped their way through it all with grace and control.

So does skiing on the Kore 105 give you the credibility of a Whistler local? I’m afraid not. That comes with lots of time, dedication, passion and balls. It does, however, ensure you’ve got a ski that will carry you, with confidence, through the varying conditions you will inevitably experience in your pursuit to become a badass all mountain skier.
See the factory specs on the Head Kore 105 skis here.
Cover photo by Mitch Winton.