On September 29th 2022 the first ski movie awards of the season went down in Annecy, France. This film festival showcases 70 films being released this fall including all the top bangers from the big film crews like TGR, Matchstick and others. The films are being presented between September 30th and October 2nd. Unlike most film festivals, at High Five they do the awards first, before premiering all the films.

And the winners are:

Best short film: Cast – Forre

High Buzz Award: The Ultimate RunMarkus Eder

Best Male Performance: Sammy Carlson in Yup

Photographer – Daniel Ronneback

Best Female Performance: Coline Ballet-Baz in Recipe

Photographer – Charlotte Balletbaz

Best Ski Film: Many Fantasies Later – The Bunch

A big congratulations goes out to all winners. Can’t wait to watch all these great films.

The High Five Film Festival teaser gives you the vibe of the event. Looks super fun!