The all mighty great eight questions, or as we call them – the GR8. Diving into each featured skiers favorites, best of’s and nitty gritty – or at least more than their Instagram profile will tell you.
Met our pal Matty Richard or Mathieu Richard if you’re feeling fancy. Matty’s been a staple in the Canadian ski scene for a while now. Originally hailing from New Brunswick, Matty’s called Whistler home for 18 years now but remains a proud Acadian. From coast to coast his name is known for all kinds of ski-related accomplishments ranging from podium titles to movie segments – most recently Numinous. Seemingly always on skis, we finally cornered Matty long enough to ask him the “GR8” questions – surprisingly it wasn’t on a chairlift.
SPONSORS: Patagonia, Smith Optics, Dissent Labs, Mons Royale, Look Bindings, Dynafit, Landyathz, Surefoot, and Pit Viper.

SBC: One word to describe what skiing feels like:
MR: Organic.
SBC: Albums you can’t live without:
MR: Jimi Hendrix.
SBC: Favorite piece of gear and why:
MR: Dynafit Hoji boot and my Patagonia Pow Slayer Jacket.
SBC: Favorite food and what’s your secret ingredient:
MR: Jasmine rice with cardamom pods.
SBC: Most memorable moment from last season:
MR: The Golden Alpine Holiday Vista trip I took with Hoji and crew for Hoji the Movie.
SBC: Favorite place to ski in Canada and who’s with you:
MR: Blackcomb with the dark side rangers crew.
SBC: Best trend in skiing:
MR: Skiing in sunglasses.
SBC: Favorite book, or podcast right now:
MR: How to change your mind by Michale Pollen.
SBC: Spirit Animal?
MR: Octopus