The ski community recently lost a legend. Dave Treadway passed away in a fatal crevasse fall in the Pemberton BC backcountry on April 15th, 2019. Rattled at the loss of such an icon, the ski media family has submitted...
His ego doesn't match his long list of mountain accomplishments. Matt Gunn's contagious smile and infectious passion for the mountains makes him memorable and approachable. Part of the unofficial "rad dad club," Matt's sharing his knowledge with not only...
Tracking innovations in the ski industry one trusted gear review at a time. From skis to underwear, if it makes your skiing better or worse, we want to know. Exposing the over-hyped gear and directing the love to where it...
Video Courtesy of Soulines Backcountry (Aaron Whitley/Mark Stan Wlodarczyk) Soulines, have you heard of it? Probably not because it's a relatively new event and located in a remote location outside of Nelson BC. Why should it be on your radar?...
The all mighty great eight questions, or as we call them – the GR8. Diving into each featured skiers favorites, best of’s and nitty gritty – or at least more than their Instagram profile will tell you. A man that...
"Kye’s shaping yesterday’s lessons into his skis today so that tomorrow sees a whole new level of progression. The process  is creating a new future for the sport, one that’s built on a solid foundation of the past." KYE PETERSEN:...